
Nr.AvH 101860
TitelAn account of the physical and chemical properties of the Malambo Bark, as describes in two memoirs of Messrs. Ch..L.Cadet and N.-L.Vauquelin, and in a Report made to the Supreme Junta of Carthagena, in America
Granville, Augustus Bozzi [A. B..]Verfasser
SerientitelThe Journal of Science and the Arts. Ed.at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Vol.1
SeitenS. 59-64
Humboldt, Alexander von(Person)5523 weitere Titel
Malambo Bark(Stichwort)
Schriften. Relation Historique(Stichwort)5 weitere Titel
ZitationGranville, Augustus Bozzi: An account of the physical and chemical properties of the Malambo Bark, as describes in two memoirs of Messrs. Ch..L.Cadet and N.-L.Vauquelin, and in a Report made to the Supreme Junta of Carthagena, in America, London 1816, S. 59-64 (The Journal of Science and the Arts. Ed.at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Vol.1)

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