Sekundärliteraturdatenbank zu Alexander von Humboldt

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Nr.AvH 108740
TitelTribute to the memory of Humboldt. Addresses by J[oseph] P[arrish] Thompson, D.D., Professor [Francis] Lieber, Professor [Alexander Dallas] Bache, Prof. [Arnold] Guyot, Hon. George Bancroft, Prof. [Louis] Agassiz.
Thompson, J[oseph] P[arrish] u.a.Verfasser
enthalten inThe Pulpit and Rostrum, Nr. 6, June 15, New York 1859, S. 117-152.
Agassiz, Louis(Person)22 weitere Titel
Bache, Alexander Dallas(Person)2 weitere Titel
Bancroft, George
Guyot, Arnold(Person)1 weiterer Titel
Humboldt, Alexander von(Person)5523 weitere Titel
Lieber, Francis
Thompson, Joseph Parrish
ZitationThompson, J[oseph] P[arrish] u.a.: Tribute to the memory of Humboldt. Addresses by J[oseph] P[arrish] Thompson, D.D., Professor [Francis] Lieber, Professor [Alexander Dallas] Bache, Prof. [Arnold] Guyot, Hon. George Bancroft, Prof. [Louis] Agassiz., in: The Pulpit and Rostrum, Nr. 6, June 15, New York 1859, S. 117-152.  markieren