E-Mail, Research associate
Academic Education
- Study of Philosophy, Greek Philology and Comparative Literature at LMU Munich and Università degli studi Roma Tre
- Degree: Magister Artium
- Ongoing PhD in Philosophy of Science at Bielefeld University within the DFG research training group Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research on limits of biological knowledge using the example of stem cell research
Work Experience
- Research associate of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Gene Technology Report, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin (since 08/2019)
- Research associate at Bielefeld University, Department of Philosophy, funded by the DFG research training group 2073 Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research (2016-2019)
- Research Associate at the Institute Technology-Theology-Natural Sciences (TTN) at LMU Munich (2014-2017)
- Research associate and coordinator of the project Individual- und socio-ethical perspectives on a translational research project, funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and Arts
- Scientific Coordinator of the international and interdisciplinary summer school Pluripotent stem cells: scientific practice, ethical, legal and social commentary, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Student Assistant at the Institute TTN at LMU Munich (2012-2014)
Selceted Activities
- Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Oslo. Talk: Forms and limits of reductionism in stem cell research (7/2019)
- Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP), University of Cologne. Talk: Stem Cell Concepts: Broadening the scope of philosophy of science debate (02/2019)
- Organisation (together with Ralf Stoecker and Marie Kaiser) and thematic introduction: Workshop with Christine Hauskeller on Philosophy at the Intersection of Life Sciences and Society: Empirical Methods and Normative Issues in Philosophy of Science, Bielefeld University.
- Organisation (together with Arne Manzeschke) and thematic introduction: Stem Cell Research. Regulatory and Ethical Challenges at the Threshold of Application, at the Munich Center for Ethics, LMU Munich. (04/2017)
Selected Publications
Edited Volumes:
- Hauskeller, C.; Manzeschke, A.; Pichl, A. (2019): The Matrix of Stem Cell Research. An Approach to Rethinking Science in Society. Routledge, Genetics and society book series.
- Pichl, A. (2019): What Keeps an Outdated Stem Cell Concept Alive? A search for traces in science and society. In: Hauskeller, C.; Manzeschke, A.; Pichl, A. (Ed.): The Matrix of Stem Cell Research. An Approach to Rethinking Science in Society. Routledge, Genetics and society book series.
- Hauskeller, C.; Manzeschke, A.; Pichl, A. (2019): Knowledge and Normativity. A matrix of disciplines and practices. In: Hauskeller, C.; Manzeschke, A.; Pichl, A. (Ed.): The Matrix of Stem Cell Research. An Approach to Rethinking Science in Society. Routledge, Genetics and society book series.
- Pichl, A. (2015): Entwicklungsbiologische Totipotenz und das ethische Potentialitätsargument. Probleme des ethischen Naturalismus in der Embryonenschutzdebatte. In: Ach, J. S. et al. (Ed.): Forschung an humanen embryonalen Stammzellen. Aktuelle Ethische Fragestellungen. Serie: Münsteraner Bioethik-Studien, Vol. 13, Lit-Verlag Münster.
- Pichl, A. (2015): Synthetische Biologen als Newtons des Grashalms? Epistemologische und transzendentalphilosophische Zweifel an der Gegenstandskonzeption der Synthetischen Biologie. In: Herresthal, S./Grassman, T. (Ed.): Leben konstruieren? Deutungsmuster synthetischer Biologie. TTN edition Nr. 1/2015, online available: http://www.ttn-institut.de/TTNedition