| 11.07.2016 18:00 Uhr

English Version

Already nowadays, in 2016, mathematics rules "behind the scenes": technologies and strategies with a lot of "math inside" influence everyday life and allow progress. Whereas it is visible in architecture and cinema, it often goes unnoticed in the financial and telecommunications industries, where it plays an equally significant role as in the life sciences and in the fields of transport, logistics and traffic. What can mathematics achieve today that would have seemed like science fiction 25=32 years ago? What can we expect and hope for 25 years = 32 years from now - and what do we envision for the year 211 = 2048? 

6 pm | Welcome

Martin Grötschel

President of th BBAW

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

President of the European Research Council (ERC)

Georg Schütte

State secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research



6.30 pm | Presentations

Medikamente, Medizin und Mathematik

Christof Schütte

Freie Universität Berlin, President of the Zuse Institut Berlin (ZIB)


Primzahlen, Quanten und das Internet

Johannes Buchmann

Technische Universität Darmstadt, Akademiemitglied


Unsere mathematische Zukunft

Günter M. Ziegler

Hector Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin, Akademiemitglied



7.45 pm | Prospect

Judith Elsner

Manager of the Hector Fellow Academy


The event is part of the annual symposium held by the Hector Fellow Academy (HFA). The HFA sees itself as an interdisciplinary network for cutting-edge research. It fosters the exchange between excellent scientists across institutions and disciplines. Thereby, innovative research projects are instigated. At the HFA symposium, current scientific issues are put into a relevant socio-political context and are discussed with the public.


The event will be simultaneously translated to English.

11.07.2016    18:00 Uhr



Subscription URL: https://jahresthema.bbaw.de/2015_2016/veranstaltungen/2016/juli/Mathematik_Science_Fiction-0.995572585005/icalendar_export_event



Dr. Juliane Schiffers

Informations- und Kommunikationsreferat
Koordination Jahresthema
"Leibniz: Vision als Aufgabe"

Tel: +49 (0)30 20370 586


Jägerstraße 22-23
10117 Berlin