Spotlight on the Public Domain

The New York Public Library recently enhanced access to all public domain items in Digital Collections so that everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways.


Digital Collections Print Store

Decorative prints for purchase: choose from archival prints, framed art, stretched canvas, vintage wood, and wall murals.

Photography Collections See More

35 items
Bill Barvin Location Photograph Archive
Bill Barvin Location Photograph Archive
213 items
Walter Silver photographs
Walter Silver photographs
2,769 items
New York Subways
New York Subways
42 items
Martha Swope photographs
Martha Swope photographs
62,750 items
Outer Boroughs: New York beyond Manhattan
Outer Boroughs: New York beyond Manhattan
86 items
Billy Rose Theatre Collection photograph file
Billy Rose Theatre Collection photograph file
57,549 items
Photographs from the American country woman series
Photographs from the American country woman series
30 items
Variety, vaudeville & burlesque
Variety, vaudeville & burlesque
189 items
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library
34,742 items
New York Public Library photographs
New York Public Library photographs
30 items
Friedman-Abeles photograph collection
Friedman-Abeles photograph collection
41,335 items
Drugstore Photographs, Or, A Trip Along the Yangtze River, 1999, by Dylan Stone
Drugstore Photographs, Or, A Trip Along the Yangtze River, 1999, by Dylan Stone
25,428 items
The Middle East in Early Prints and Photographs
The Middle East in Early Prints and Photographs
9,194 items
Kenn Duncan Photograph Archive, ca. 1960-1986
Kenn Duncan Photograph Archive, ca. 1960-1986
7,045 items
Russia and Eastern Europe in Rare Photographs, 1860- 1945
Russia and Eastern Europe in Rare Photographs, 1860- 1945
5,086 items
Vandamm theatrical photographs, 1900-1957
Vandamm theatrical photographs, 1900-1957
3,483 items
Photographs of Indonesia
Photographs of Indonesia
1,812 items
White Studio theatrical photographs
White Studio theatrical photographs
2,241 items
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library. Supplement.
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library. Supplement.
1,569 items
Dance in Photographs and Prints
Dance in Photographs and Prints
1,501 items
Photographic views of the United States
Photographic views of the United States
1,326 items
Asia and the Eastern Pacific Rim in Early Prints and Photographs
Asia and the Eastern Pacific Rim in Early Prints and Photographs
1,156 items
Photographs taken by inspectors of the New York City Tenement House Department
Photographs taken by inspectors of the New York City Tenement House Department
1,102 items
Farm Security Administration Photographs
Farm Security Administration Photographs
23,771 items
Collection of photographs of New York City
Collection of photographs of New York City
813 items
Photographs of General Motors and Chrysler car and truck models
Photographs of General Motors and Chrysler car and truck models
734 items
Metropolis: New York City Water and Transit Infrastructure in Photographs
Metropolis: New York City Water and Transit Infrastructure in Photographs
669 items
The Luso-Hispanic New World in Early Prints and Photographs
The Luso-Hispanic New World in Early Prints and Photographs
651 items
Barbara Gittings and Kay Tobin Lahusen gay history papers and photographs
Barbara Gittings and Kay Tobin Lahusen gay history papers and photographs
574 items

Collections About New York City See More

Collection of photographs of New York City, New York State and more by Max Hubacher
Collection of photographs of New York City, New York State and more by Max Hubacher
1,569 items
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library
34,742 items
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library. Supplement.
Photographic views of New York City, 1870's-1970's, from the collections of the New York Public Library. Supplement.
1,569 items
New York World's Fair 1939-1940 records
New York World's Fair 1939-1940 records
13,614 items
New York City Directories
New York City Directories
290 items
Trow business directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, city of New York
Trow business directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, city of New York
2 items
Atlases of New York City
Atlases of New York City
11,792 items
Photographs taken by inspectors of the New York City Tenement House Department
Photographs taken by inspectors of the New York City Tenement House Department
1,102 items
Streetscape and Townscape of Metropolitan New York City,1860-1942
Streetscape and Townscape of Metropolitan New York City,1860-1942
1,382 items
Doors, NYC
Doors, NYC
3,122 items
The Eno collection of New York City views
The Eno collection of New York City views
709 items
Changing New York
Changing New York
344 items
Collection of photographs of New York City, 1931-1942
Collection of photographs of New York City, 1931-1942
335 items
Metropolis: New York City Water and Transit Infrastructure in Photographs
Metropolis: New York City Water and Transit Infrastructure in Photographs
669 items
Fifth Avenue, New York, from start to finish
Fifth Avenue, New York, from start to finish
84 items
New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation records
New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation records
92 items
Photographic negatives of the New York City Tenement House Department
Photographic negatives of the New York City Tenement House Department
69 items
Street views of New York City
Street views of New York City
69 items
New York (City) Museum of Modern Art photographs
New York (City) Museum of Modern Art photographs
125 items
Album of photographs showing construction of the cable road on Broadway, New York City, in 1891
Album of photographs showing construction of the cable road on Broadway, New York City, in 1891
56 items
Photographic views of the construction of the New York City subway system, 1901-1905
Photographic views of the construction of the New York City subway system, 1901-1905
31 items
Album of photographs depicting the construction of the Broadway line, New York City Subway
Album of photographs depicting the construction of the Broadway line, New York City Subway
27 items
"Classic Six:" New York City Apartment Building Living, 1880s-1910s
"Classic Six:" New York City Apartment Building Living, 1880s-1910s
1,444 items
Portraits of immigrants at Ellis Island, New York
Portraits of immigrants at Ellis Island, New York
14 items
Staten Island post cards
Staten Island post cards
766 items
Collection of photographs of East River and Hudson River piers, Manhattan
Collection of photographs of East River and Hudson River piers, Manhattan
99 items
Drugstore Photographs, Or, A Trip Along the Yangtze River, 1999, by Dylan Stone
Drugstore Photographs, Or, A Trip Along the Yangtze River, 1999, by Dylan Stone
25,428 items
Collection of photographs of New York City
Collection of photographs of New York City
813 items

Nature Collections See More

The natural history of the amphibious carnivora, including the walrus and seals, also of the herbivorous cetacea, &c.
The natural history of the amphibious carnivora, including the walrus and seals, also of the herbivorous cetacea, &c.
33 items
Livre de divers animaux pour dessus de portes par les meilleurs maitres.
Livre de divers animaux pour dessus de portes par les meilleurs maitres.
12 items
Moths and butterflies of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains; with over 400 photographic illustrations in the text and many transfers of species from life, by Sherman F. Denton
Moths and butterflies of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains; with over 400 photographic illustrations in the text and many transfers of species from life, by Sherman F. Denton
163 items
Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions
Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions
499 items
The birds of eastern North America; with original descriptions of all the species which occur east of the Mississippi River, between the Arctic circle and the Gulf of Mexico, with full notes upon their habits, etc.
The birds of eastern North America; with original descriptions of all the species which occur east of the Mississippi River, between the Arctic circle and the Gulf of Mexico, with full notes upon their habits, etc.
33 items
The common objects of the sea shore : including hints for an aquarium
The common objects of the sea shore : including hints for an aquarium
13 items
The common objects of the sea shore : including hints for an aquarium
The common objects of the sea shore : including hints for an aquarium
13 items
The deer of all lands; a history of the family Cervidae living and extinct,
The deer of all lands; a history of the family Cervidae living and extinct,
28 items
The fishes of North America that are captured on hook and line. With eighty colored plates made from oil portraits of living fishes before their color tints had faded. By William C. Harris ... Volume I.
The fishes of North America that are captured on hook and line. With eighty colored plates made from oil portraits of living fishes before their color tints had faded. By William C. Harris ... Volume I.
44 items
The natural history of Washington territory and Oregon, with much relating to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, and California ... being those parts of the final reports on the survey of the Northern Pacific Railroad route, relating to the natural his...
The natural history of Washington territory and Oregon, with much relating to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, and California ... being those parts of the final reports on the survey of the Northern Pacific Railroad route, relating to the natural his...
60 items
The natural history of fishes of the perch family.
The natural history of fishes of the perch family.
36 items
The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang: under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher during the years 1843-46
The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang: under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher during the years 1843-46
56 items
Thesaurus imaginum piscium testaceorum; quales sunt cancri, echini, echinometra, stellae marinae, &c. ut et cochlearum ... quibus accedunt conchylia, ut nautilus, cornu Ammonis, & conchae univalviae et bivalviae ... denique mineralia ...
Thesaurus imaginum piscium testaceorum; quales sunt cancri, echini, echinometra, stellae marinae, &c. ut et cochlearum ... quibus accedunt conchylia, ut nautilus, cornu Ammonis, & conchae univalviae et bivalviae ... denique mineralia ...
63 items
Voyage autour du monde sur la fregate la Venus, pendant les annees 1836-1839: publie par ordre du roi, sous les auspices du ministre de la marine
Voyage autour du monde sur la fregate la Venus, pendant les annees 1836-1839: publie par ordre du roi, sous les auspices du ministre de la marine
112 items
Wild animals and birds: their haunts and habits
Wild animals and birds: their haunts and habits
48 items
Zoological researches in Java, and the neighbouring islands
Zoological researches in Java, and the neighbouring islands
74 items
Butterflies of North America
Butterflies of North America
161 items
Cabinet du petit naturaliste, par Mad. D*** ...
Cabinet du petit naturaliste, par Mad. D*** ...
14 items
Catalogue of the chiroptera
Catalogue of the chiroptera
31 items
Characteristic sketches of animals, principally from the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park
Characteristic sketches of animals, principally from the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park
35 items
Die Blumenpolypen der süssen Wasser, beschrieben und mit den Blumenpolypen der salzigen Wasser verglichen von Jacob Christian Schäffer. Nebst drey kupfertafeln mit figuren in farben.
Die Blumenpolypen der süssen Wasser, beschrieben und mit den Blumenpolypen der salzigen Wasser verglichen von Jacob Christian Schäffer. Nebst drey kupfertafeln mit figuren in farben.
5 items
Die grunen armpolypen : die geschwanzten und ungeschwanzten zackigen wasserflohe, und eine besondere art kleiner wasseraale
Die grunen armpolypen : die geschwanzten und ungeschwanzten zackigen wasserflohe, und eine besondere art kleiner wasseraale
5 items
Engravings of lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, dogs, &c., chiefly after the designs of Sir Edwin Landseer, by his brother, Thomas Landseer. Printed from the original plates, pub. between 1823 and 1828
Engravings of lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, dogs, &c., chiefly after the designs of Sir Edwin Landseer, by his brother, Thomas Landseer. Printed from the original plates, pub. between 1823 and 1828
40 items
Exotic moths
Exotic moths
34 items
Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America : containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N.
Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America : containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N.
118 items
Friends worth knowing; glimpses of American natural history
Friends worth knowing; glimpses of American natural history
16 items
Groups of cattle, drawn from nature, by T.S. Cooper. 1839.
Groups of cattle, drawn from nature, by T.S. Cooper. 1839.
33 items
Histoire naturelle des mammiferes, avec des figures originales, coloriees, dessinees d'apres des animaux vivans; publie sous l'autorite de l'administration du Museum d'histoire naturelle, par M. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire ... et par M. Frederic Cuvier....
Histoire naturelle des mammiferes, avec des figures originales, coloriees, dessinees d'apres des animaux vivans; publie sous l'autorite de l'administration du Museum d'histoire naturelle, par M. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire ... et par M. Frederic Cuvier....
361 items
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivie de celle des toucans et des barbus: par Francois Levaillant....
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivie de celle des toucans et des barbus: par Francois Levaillant....
116 items
Histoire naturelle des poissons
Histoire naturelle des poissons
42 items

Explore Further

Here are some other ways you can access and engage with digital content at NYPL and beyond

Service artehouse
Digital Collections Print Store

Decorative prints for purchase: choose from archival prints, framed art, stretched canvas, vintage wood, and wall murals.

Service archives
NYPL Archives and Manuscripts

Contains finding aids for over 10,000 unique collections (digitized and non-digitized) in almost every conceivable format.

Service wallach
Prints & Photographs Catalog

The online catalog of The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.

Service api
NYPL Digital Collections API

The Library's digitized collections are available as machine-readable data: over 1 million objects and records for you to search, crawl and compute.

Service dpla
Digital Public Library of America

Brings together the riches of America's libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world.

Service warper
NYPL Map Warper

Browse and download NYPL's digital maps, and align historic maps with the geography of today.

Service buildinginspector
Building Inspector

A tool where you can help unlock New York City's past by identifying buildings and other details on beautiful old maps.

Service stereo

A tool for creating and sharing 3D images from stereograph collections.

Service menus
What's On The Menu?

A tool for transcribing historical restaurant menus.

Service oralhistory
Community Oral History Project

An initiative underway at NYPL branch libraries that aims to document, preserve, and celebrate the rich history of the New York's unique neighborhoods.

Service ensemble

Help reconstruct theater history by transcribing old New York City playbills.

Service andrestudios
Andre Studios 1930-1941

Fashion Drawings & Sketches in the Collections of FIT and the New York Public Library.

Service hathi
HathiTrust Digital Library

A partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.