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© The New York Public Library, 2021
The New York Public Library is a 501(c)(3) | EIN 13-1887440
Explore 914,136 items digitized from The New York Public Library's collections.
This site is a living database with new materials added every day, featuring prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more.
Salon Louis XV. Face des fenêtres don¿t l'une montre....
Chambre a coucher transition (Louis XV à Louis XVI)....
Chambre a coucher transition....
Chambre a coucher, inspirée d'une gravure de Gravelot....
Face de cheminée....
Salle a manger Louis XV de campagne en chêne....
Salle a manger Louis XV....
Salle a manger Louis XVI....
Salle a manger Louis XVI....
Grande salon Louis XVI.
Étude d'une fragment du salon Louis XVI....
Chambre a coucher Louis XVI, peinte en gris....
Chambre a coucher Louis XVI. Face des portes....
Bibliothéque Louis XVI ( d'aprés un château des environs d'Alençon)....
Bibliothéque Louis XVI....
Boudoir cabinet de toilette Louis XVI avec chaise longue....
Boudoir cabinet de toilette Louis XVI....
Salle a manger Louis XVI (style de Neufforge)....
Détail d'une porte et de la cheminée....
Salon d'attente (Louis XVI) sculpté....
Décor des fenêtres du salon d'attente....
Salle de billard de campagne....
Chambre d'enfants....
Serre en treillage, blue vert clair (Louis XVI)....
Serre en treillage....
The New York Public Library recently enhanced access to all public domain items in Digital Collections so that everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways.
Decorative prints for purchase: choose from archival prints, framed art, stretched canvas, vintage wood, and wall murals.
Here are some other ways you can access and engage with digital content at NYPL and beyond
Decorative prints for purchase: choose from archival prints, framed art, stretched canvas, vintage wood, and wall murals.
Contains finding aids for over 10,000 unique collections (digitized and non-digitized) in almost every conceivable format.
The online catalog of The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.
The Library's digitized collections are available as machine-readable data: over 1 million objects and records for you to search, crawl and compute.
Brings together the riches of America's libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world.
Browse and download NYPL's digital maps, and align historic maps with the geography of today.
A tool where you can help unlock New York City's past by identifying buildings and other details on beautiful old maps.
A tool for creating and sharing 3D images from stereograph collections.
A tool for transcribing historical restaurant menus.
An initiative underway at NYPL branch libraries that aims to document, preserve, and celebrate the rich history of the New York's unique neighborhoods.
Help reconstruct theater history by transcribing old New York City playbills.
Fashion Drawings & Sketches in the Collections of FIT and the New York Public Library.
A partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.