John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 18.01.1823

|19r| Sir, [a]

I had the honour, a considerable time since, to receive your obliging letter of the of February last, to which I should have replied before now, but for the want of knowing an opportunity to forward a letter, and for incessant & indispensable engagements in my professional business; to these reasons I should also add, the attention I have been obliged to give to a new edition of D.r EdwardsTreatise on the Mohegan Language, which is republishing under my direction. While I have been thus waiting for a moment’s leisure in order to make my reply, your other letter (of Oct. has arrived. I shall in a few days do myself the pleasure to answer them both in detail, and shall accompany my letter with a copy of my edition of Edwards.

I know not how to express the satisfaction I feel at the flattering manner in which you have been pleased to receive my communications; |19v| and I am particularly gratified that our new edition of Eliot’s Grammar has been published in such a manner as to meet with your approbation.

In the mean time permit me, Sir, to offer you a new work which has just been published here, under the sanction of our Government, respecting the Indian Tribes. You will not, it is true, find much in it respecting the languages; but it contains a great mass of geographical & other information, which will be of value in the progress of your researches. The copy, which I send you, is presented by the author, the Rev.d D.r Morse, who desires me to request your acceptance of it. He is the same gentleman, who is the author of our earliest work on the Geography of the United States, which has been for some time known in Europe.

I have the honour to be
with the highest consideration,
your most obedient
& humble servt
Salem, Massachusetts,
Jan.y 18. 1823.

|20r/v vacat|


    1. a |Editor| Oben Humboldt in Tinte: Nr. 3.