Pickering, John (1820): An essay on a uniform orthography for the Indian languages of North America, as published in the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge: University Press, Hilliard and Metcalf
Erwähnt in:
- John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 24.08.1821
- Wilhelm von Humboldt an George Bancroft, 17.09.1821
- Wilhelm von Humboldt an Ignaz von Olfers, 06.11.1821
- Wilhelm von Humboldt an John Pickering, 12.03.1822
- John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 14.02.1823
- Wilhelm von Humboldt an John Pickering, 29.06.1824
- John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 29.12.1827
- Franz Lieber an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 20.12.1830
- Wilhelm von Humboldt an Friedrich August Rosen, 11.05.1833