Future Standards in Academic Lexicography

European Workshop, 25th-27th March 2012, Berlin

Participating Dictionaries

Altägyptisches Wörterbuch

Das Akademienvorhaben Altägyptisches Wörterbuch baut ein elektronisches Corpus der Texte des Alten Ägypten auf. Dieses Corpus wird lexikalisch vollständig erschlossen, indem es lemmatisiert und grammatisch annotiert wird. Diese neuartige Dokumentation von Wortschatz und Wortgebrauch eröffnet der philologischen, linguistischen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschung vollkommen neuartige Möglichkeiten. Das Corpus ist im Internet öffentlich zugänglich; es wird ständig aktualisiert (http://aaew.bbaw.de/tla/).

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A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [Großwörterbuch des Ungarischen]

I: Segédletek [Apparatband], 1119 S.(2006); II: A–azsúroz, 1550 S. (2006); III. B–bes, 1020 S. (2011); IV. Besz–by, 1039 S. (2011).
The magyar nyelv nagyszótára is the first corpus-based monolingual dictionary of Hungarian. It describes the meaning and the history of words on the basis of a collection of digital and conventional sources of the time between 1772 and 2000. The full text of the dictionary can be used as an electronic database for further research.

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Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm. Neubearbeitung.

The Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm (DWB) is the most comprehensive dictionary of German. It describes the German standard vocabulary as attested since Early New High German.The dictionary articles are based on a very large corpus of source texts; they provide information on etymology, semantic change, variant forms, peculiarities of usage, and regional distribution of the words in question, all of which are illustrated by quotations. The first edition of the DWB, published in 32 volumes between 1854 and 1961, contains around 330.000 headwords and is available on CD-Rom and on the Internet. A revised version for the letters A-F, which will also be published online, is underway at the Academies of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin and Göttingen. The two rearch groups are currently working on the 8th of 9 planned volumes.

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The online dictionary elexiko (www.elexiko.de) is being compiled at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) in Mannheim. It is published within the lexicographic portal of the IDS, „OWID — Online Wortschatzinformationssystem Deutsch” (www.owid.de). elexiko focuses on the meaning and use of words, but it also contains information on orthography, hyphenation and grammar. elexiko has a linguistic conception and its different modules are enlarged on the basis of electronic corpora.

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Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch

The Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch collects the vocabularies of French, Occitan, Francoprovençal and Gascon with all their diatopic, diastratic and diachronic variation. The result is a huge Thesaurus Galloromanicus of 17.000 pages and many millions of lexical units, giving for each one its etymology and the history of its relations within the etymological family.

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Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie

Norsk Ordbok

Norsk Ordbok (www.no2014.uio.no) is a 12 volume academic dictionary covering Norwegian Nynorsk literature and all Norwegian dialects. The work on collecting material for the dictionary started in 1930, and the editing started in 1946. Norsk Ordbok is a work in progress, and is to be completed in 2014 — the year of the bicentenary of the Norwegian constitution. Volume 10 of Norsk Ordbok will be launched in May 2012 and the editorial staff has already started working on vol. 11. When completed, the dictionary will have more than 300 000 entries and give a thorough coverage of the central vocabulary of Norwegian.
Norsk Ordbok represents the first major documentation of spoken and written Norwegian.

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Oxford English Dictionary

The Oxford English Dictionary is a comprehensive historical dictionary of English, published by Oxford University Press. Its first edition was published between 1884 and 1928, and supplements were issued in 1933 and (in four volumes) between 1972 and 1986, and these were brought together with the main text in the Second Edition of 1989. A revised edition of the full text of the dictionary (OED3) has been in course of publication since 2000, and currently covers approximately one third of the full text of the dictionary. The revised and unrevised portions of the dictionary are published side by side on the OED’s subscription website, www.oed.com. The website also has a good deal of material about the OED and about the English language which is freely available for non-subscribers.

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Schweizerisches Idiotikon, Wörterbuch der schweizerdeutschen Sprache.

With currently almost 16 volumes, which contain around 150.000 headworts (from A-W), the Schweizerisches Idiotikon is the most comprehensive regional dictionary in the German speaking world, even before it is completed. It documents German as spoken in Switzerland from the late Middle Ages up to the present, older stages of the language as well as living dialects. The Idiotikon is published in print and the faksimiles are also available online. In addition to the print edition the dictionary is currently being digitalized stepwise. All dictionary articles can be accessed through a sophisticated register.

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Svenska Akademiens Ordbok

Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB) ist ein historisches Wörterbuch, das die schwedische Sprache ab 1521 bis in die Gegenwart dokumentiert. Der erste Band wurde 1897 gedruckt und Band 36 wird im Frühling 2012 gedruckt. Die zwei Bände, die das Wörterbuch vollenden werden, sollen 2017 fertig sein. Die Ausgabe enthält bisher fast 600 000 Stichwörter, Komposita und Ableitungen inbegriffen. Grosses Gewicht wird auf die Etymologie gelegt, und die Abschnitte eines Artikels werden danach so weit wie möglich gegliedert. Die sprachliche Basis besteht aus etwa 9 Mio. Belegen. Die Wörterbuchredaktion erwartet Bescheid über eine Neubearbeitung, und inzwischen werden die ersten 31 Bande in China neudigitalisiert.

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